Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lic New Bima Gold Surrender

show "Spain is becoming in the sewer of Europe? Boycott

The cowardly tolerance and weak response of Rodriguez Zapatero and his government to the growing Islamization of Spain and arrogant, insulting to the permissiveness with illegal immigration and illegal and dangerous to the mafias Russian, as well as their silence to threats from the Moroccan Moors we have to endure lately, Zapatero is turning Spain into the cloaca of all the social crap that comes to Europe and the rebound landed in our country, in addition to what comes directly by Night and perfidy. Raya
the political stupidity and irresponsibility of President Rodriguez Zapatero to shut up and hide while the Moors Melilla wander through the streets waving flags of Morocco and Moroccan Sovereignties claiming Ceuta and Melilla. It is cowardly and inept politicians silent about such abuses and challenges that insult to history and Ligitas rights and sovereignty of Spain over those two English cities of North Africa.
Rodriguez Zapatero in his first term and now with the second partially remodeled, is sinking our country economically and socially, as he drops his pants to the absolutist wren Mohamed VI and his government subservient subject to the interests of the royal family of Morocco. Go
Zapatero, leave now. Sal de la Moncloa and go to Valladolid or your hometown and let us clean air for the English can regain the illusion of first-class citizens and not be a third to which we have thrown you and your government.


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