Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lacunar Infarct/left Thalamus

All Moors should be driven from Europe against the aggression and hatred against all of us

today's press informs us of another conflict triggered by the Moors of Morocco against members of the English National Police in Ceuta neighborhood near the neighboring country.
did not have enough to burn a car, after a stone dedicated to the English police and being consistent with his way of being, fled like cowards.
These Moors not get enough of inhumane aggression they are trying to Sahrawi, also are aggressive against the English because they do not laugh because its disgusting.
desgracadamente All these people that live with us in Spain should be expelled from our nation, wiping so much insane society that hates us and seeks above us lessons in democracy and healthy living concepts that they have never understood and never will understand. Bigoted minds so decayed with Quranic verse, not enable them to rationalize and coordinate their minds.
What the government and the Moroccan king had, and with the Saharawi people have no forgiveness or God or man. Outside Moors of Spain and Europe, because we tired of them all!.
* Clickea post holder above and access the information of ABC.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lic New Bima Gold Surrender

show "Spain is becoming in the sewer of Europe? Boycott

The cowardly tolerance and weak response of Rodriguez Zapatero and his government to the growing Islamization of Spain and arrogant, insulting to the permissiveness with illegal immigration and illegal and dangerous to the mafias Russian, as well as their silence to threats from the Moroccan Moors we have to endure lately, Zapatero is turning Spain into the cloaca of all the social crap that comes to Europe and the rebound landed in our country, in addition to what comes directly by Night and perfidy. Raya
the political stupidity and irresponsibility of President Rodriguez Zapatero to shut up and hide while the Moors Melilla wander through the streets waving flags of Morocco and Moroccan Sovereignties claiming Ceuta and Melilla. It is cowardly and inept politicians silent about such abuses and challenges that insult to history and Ligitas rights and sovereignty of Spain over those two English cities of North Africa.
Rodriguez Zapatero in his first term and now with the second partially remodeled, is sinking our country economically and socially, as he drops his pants to the absolutist wren Mohamed VI and his government subservient subject to the interests of the royal family of Morocco. Go
Zapatero, leave now. Sal de la Moncloa and go to Valladolid or your hometown and let us clean air for the English can regain the illusion of first-class citizens and not be a third to which we have thrown you and your government.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Visa Message In Air India Express

total trades Morocco and Moorish settlers who have settled in Spain

The most forceful and effective response to the English we can give at the insolence of Morocco is to boycott all products boicotenado turn to all shops and stores who run the Moors in our nation, irrespective of the English province and region where they are. "Boycott all products and their businesses!.
The social response to the boycott should be cotundente and unanimous view of the cowardice and the socialist government anbigüedad shoemakers kept to the proud and insolent dictatorial government and people of Morocco. Demanding
Ceuta and Melilla as their own territory when they are 35 years illegally occupying a country and keeping its population, the Saharawi, or in exile in the Algerian desert or in the Western Sahara but subject to criminal outrages committed by the Moroccan authorities colonization backed by Moroccan civil society.
We must consider very seriously and urgently the boycott of Morocco in all its aspects and openly or fear, because in turn help the English farmers should always be ahead of their interests that really are those of Spain. They need us, let us help. Outside
Moors of our nation!.
Note. Clicking on the link above the post holder and will access information from the Madrid newspaper ABC.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Happens When You Are In A Coma?

The Argentine government recognizes Palestine as a nation

The South American republics, Argentina and Brazil have recognized Palestine as a free nation and independent from the prewar borders of 1967, and Paraguay, one of the banana republics Cone South says it will recognize Palestine as an independent country within the next year. This small country has also announced plans to open an embassy in Palestine that could be in Ramallah.
These exhabruptos politicians in countries that are just starting to go under the parameters of democracy, as they have for years been ruled by dictatorships, not to offset, of course, political and diplomatic balance of the countries with deep and solid history democratic countries such as Europe, the EU as a whole, Australia, Canada and North America.
Any day also goes on the window of his presidential palace the guard obsecno terrorist dictator Hugo Chavez, Venezuela uncrowned chieftain, family or caste communist Fidel Castro, the Cuban cigar. I doubt very much that the government of Israel allow the Uruguayans come to open its embassy in Palestinian territory since this alleged Palestine is not recognized as sovereign and independent nation, no international organization, including the UN, or any country of culture and tradition Western democratic.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Instructions For Making A Bimetallic Strip

The Moroccan government is torturing the Saharawi people by treating them as third-class knocks

totalitarian Islamist government of Morocco is torturing, abusing and dominating the Saharawi people, the latest events occurred in the last 24 hours, confirm the brutal repression unleashed against Morocco remains the legitimate inhabitants of Western Sahara.
young Moroccans have brutally assaulted a secondary school Saharan beating, injuring and threatening to kill the young students Sahrawi if not recognized that they were Moroccan.
The grotesque government of King Mohamed VI has nothing democratic. Its democracy is a straw man because, although held elections, democratic say, the last word rests with the king and his cohort of servants.
How sad and shameful role in this whole episode has been making outrageous and continues to the socialist government of Rodriguez Zapatero. He is a coward government that has failed from the first day that fighting broke out weeks ago, to condemn the cruel repression of the police and militias against the unarmed Moroccan civilians and occupied Saharawi people. Spain has a government that does not deserve, and will sweep the Moncloa urgent sooner the better for the good of Spain, the English welfare and stop the feet of both Moor flowing through our dollars.