Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bicycle Parts Blueprints

Dogs Muslims have desecrated a Bible in Australia and pissing on it Pakistan then roared

A group of Muslim students studying at an Islamic sculpture Melburnne, Australia, have urinated, spat, shredded and then burned a Bible, while the coward and sold to the interests of Islam in the West have protested as fanatics and hysterical the attempt, not fulfilled, burning several Korans in a Christian community in the USA.
The case was quickly denounced by citizens of the city, which has only resulted in a hypocritical and perverse intervention magnet school that has warned that the more than 600 students at the madrasa (Koranic sculpture) to respect the Bibilia and Christians. These Muslims are pigs in shit. It is now
to see the reactions of the English media, and Western Europe in general at this desecration of the holy book of Christians, and were also very aware of the pro-Islamic reaction of President Barak Hussein Obama to this brutal desecration and insult to hundreds of millions of Christians scattered throughout the world.
'll see if all of them, sold and scared shitless by the constant threat of Islam against the West, against Christians and Jews, will be able to spend at least the same energy to condemn this odious act and dog-Islamist, or shut up and look the other way . It is embarrassing to note the miseries and disabilities of our governments and the European Union Europe.


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