Monday, November 29, 2010

Farmerama Skad Kasztanowiec

Catalonia by sweeping the socialist government of the Generalitat of Catalonia

Catalan Socialists have been knocked out in the election battle called 28-N. Within hours, the time the polls remained open Catalonia, Catalan partners Rodriguez Zapatero lost 9 deputies in the Catalan parliament. The defeat was overwhelming and total. Were swept away even by many of its traditional voters. So sick of political incompetence over the past four years of a government led by Jose Montilla, Catalonia plucked up courage, rose angrily yesterday and voted. Tripartite government was shattered. He had no better luck nationalism or independence of ERC. If the PSC lost 9 deputies, ERC lost 11 and the pseudo communists, also called green, green were losing 2 seats.
However, elections held yesterday had to deal catalans more surprises. The PP 4 Members joined, reached the 18 deputies and nationalist Convergence and Unió went from 48 deputies to 62, while the independence, the sector led by former Barca president Joan Laporta, managed 4 seats. Rodriguez Zapatero
sure at this time and will have taken good note of the election results in Catalonia because it is difficult to interpret the fall election vacuum PSC partners as a punishment prior to the Catalan Socialist Party submitted to when it arrives the time.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Shoulder Pain Post Laparoscopy

For 2011

By 2011 many people need nautical charts, maps certainties that allow them to walk the day of the year to come without hesitation or fear unfounded. Well, to them we have Chinese Horoscope 2011, 2011 feng shui and numerology 2011, a particular interpretation of what that might mean for the year 2011 many variables. As each man
a destination, only to see in this guide, general guidelines with zeal and tenacity can enhance or reverse. Each one is self respect.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Western Southern Scam

Xavier Sala Martin has struck a resounding rebuke to the Socialists in an article he published La Vanguardia

World renowned Catalan economist Xavier Sala Martin hit a resounding rebuke to the Socialists of Catalonia and rebound on the government of Rodriguez Zapatero. In an interesting and compelling article that the newspaper La Vanguardia of Barcelona released today, 17th of November, in its opinion pages, Sala Martin does not break the language, tired of the constant nonsense of socialist governments of Spain and Catalan. Then reproduce the text of the article whose content can not miss
" If the polls do not come back to fail miserably, missing only 11 days to end the nightmare and the worst government in the history of Catalunya abandon armchair. All indications are that the tripartite will not add and may not re-impose their nefarious government. On the one hand, it seems that ICV will continue, although with a minority 9% of the vote, has imposed an anti-democratic ideological blackmail whose most apparent has been sewing fines for traveling at 80 km / h with a environmental argument that no one has succeeded in demonstrating.

ERC also predict that will sink into the electoral abyss, which is logical given the systematic betrayal of their principles in exchange for 30 coins armchair miserable.
The likely defeat of the PSC is much more interesting. At the end of the day, the biggest economic catastrophe social and political life has happened while the Socialists had an absolute monopoly of power, governing all (again, all!) large municipalities in the country, regional governments, the Government and the Government of Spain. Socialist absolutism has presided over the biggest drop in GDP, the largest increase in unemployment, increased debt of the Government in the worst financial conditions, the largest increase in poverty, the largest institutional deterioration and increased exercise media censorship ( must "tear the crust nationalist TV3 and Catalunya Radio," said PSC spokeswoman, Joan Ferran before dismissing the leaders of hearing Antoni Bassas, John Basten, Toni Clapp and James Barbera, "Barbeta're dead and do not know!" Threatened the quixotic Rucio communications director Montilla, Antonio Bolaño , apprentice Professor Moriarty the post abandoned by his colleagues for his radicalism and his lack of size). Fortunately, the abuse and whether that incompetence will end on 28N.
We still Artur Mas, whom polls show as the winner. More will be a good president. Unlike Montilla, has studied, is capable, intelligent, honest and hardworking. You do not have the charisma of Pujol, but it will be much better manager. Under normal circumstances I would vote Mas. But today they are not normal circumstances. Are special circumstances. The time of good has happened. It is time to ensure that no absolute majority, it is time to oust the Socialists from power and time is courage. For these reasons, I will not vote for Artur Mas. Let me explain.
That a political force has an absolute majority is wrong. The words of Lord Acton "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is demonstrated by what happened with absolute power of the Socialists in Catalonia in recent years. Neither were good PP absolute majorities in the nineties or CIU in the eighties. CIU vote in a moment seems to be on the verge of an absolute majority is wrong.
The question is: if no majority, "whom he will ally CIU? I know that there is a strong tendency within the party that advocates a post-election coalition PSC i CiU. The same goes for the economic and media powers that be, they want the "sociovergencia." But as I explained, I believe it is of utmost importance that the Socialists are expelled from the Government: they have too much power in municipalities, county councils and government of Spain. CIU vote does not guarantee that expulsion. The only way to ensure that CIU has an absolute majority or not to CIU depends on the PSC, is dependent on other nationalist force. ERC eliminated by his apparent betrayal of their own ideals, we have only Catalan Solidarity (Joan Laporta) and Reagrupament (Joan Carretero).
Which brings us to the third theme: the courage. The decision of the Constitutional Court has closed any options to improve within the constitutional framework so that, at this point, we should not think of a good management but committed and courageous decisions. CIU is an integral part coward because he has too many sides and too much debt. We need new people and brave.
In this regard, my candidate is Joan Laporta. I worked with him for seven years and I can assure you that whatever they say means antilaportistas, Joan Laporta is absolutely honest, high integrity, highly intelligent and, moreover, is the bravest person in the world. Who, but he had this election may have sat on the couch, savoring the 69 Drinking collected with the club, tasting the sweetness of triplet and six glasses, knowing that the policy would lead a boycott of the mainstream media and the appearance all distorted news, negative intentions, whose sole purpose is to avoid obtaining parliamentary representation?
I have seen the face of the almighty Joan Laporta Florentino Perez to sign Samuel Eto'o, a player who gave us not one but two Champions. Note: While Laporta has been President, Florentino has not won a single major soccer title, not one! I have seen Laporta facing Zapatero, UEFA and FIFA to promote the interests of the club. With a courage which sometimes even fear.
That is the courage we need. That's enough to look good, pedagogy, seny, if moderate the debate and to follow the rules imposed by others. Jordi Pujol said a few days and found no arguments against independence. President, is that maybe there are none! And when there are no arguments, one must take action. To do this, we need leaders with no debt and with the courage to take action. Therefore, the Catalan Solidarity vote in 28N. I will vote Joan Laporta.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blotchy Hands And Dizzyness

Angeles Gonzalez Sinde, minister of culture, ignorant about the artists and Spanish citizens

Could she have seen more arrogance than that of the Minister of Culture Angeles Gonzalez Sinde?. Apparently the government of Rodriguez Zapatero has seen the English public opinion has condemned the weak and coward ambiguous reaction to the Western Sahara conflict, the minister told the country's artists who demonstrated against the strong repression of Morocco against the Saharawi people to shut up and not think about what non-experts.
Go, which we needed to hear.
is not necessary to be an expert to go out and protest and denounce the repression of the Moroccan police against the defenseless people of Western Sahara. It's just a matter of sensitivity and humanity.
Repression does not require any government and political expert coward and scared shitless at the Moors to say. The problem is that the government Zaatero not discussed and neither has barely opened his mouth about this conflict. And of course, artists and models voices of the thousands of locals who demonstrated last weekend in Madrid, Zapatero has angered looks ike its credibility is in tatters.
The common people in a democratic society has every right to demonstrate and protest against anything he considers an assault on human rights and the integrity of the person as is the case of what happens in the Western Sahara. Physical damage, moral and material Moroccan repressive forces have done to deserve a response Saharan contudente condemned unreservedly, and do not hide behind the diplomacy that apparently has not solved the underlying problem and that is none other than freedom Western Sahara as a sovereign nation.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Calculate The Cfm For Hood

Morocco, a neo-fascist dictatorial monarchy, while Zapatero pants and underpants down

know which of the two is more cynical, if Zapatero or absolutist wren Morocco, Mohammed VI, but my view is that the Moorish king in cynicism, beating Rodriguez Zapatero. The Moors have never understood nor understand what democracy, is known by everyone, but Rodriguez Zapatero is lowered and no pants, but it is also lower underwear to the Moroccan chieftain, is unforgivable.
The savagery committed against the Saharawi sovereign people by police and the Moorish army, supported by the civilian population is a serious abuse and assault on Human Rights alleging Zapatero has shamefully ignored or known interests and priorities Spain.
Spain, the English, it does not need friends and colleagues of this nature. The English government has turned you down with his covardia to not open and publicly denounce the goierno Moroccan King Mohamed VI to mismismo, which is really who governs and decides everything in the Moorish section. Morocco has been kidnapped by English journalists simply report what happened in the Sahara Occiental that legally belongs to the Saharawi people and not to Morocco.
Zapatero has to be punished severely by the English in the next general election be held, if God does not intervene in the middle of 2012. You must be punished severely in the polls expulsion from the Moncloa if you continue doing more damage. Meanwhile. the English have to boycott all products from Morocco, and businesses run by the Moors.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pediatrician In Markham Ontario

Spain has lost its north and going crazy shit

is inconceivable that while in Spain the day to day duties are transferred to the Muslims, on the other is evil lashes out forcefully and against our Western culture, our religions and our customs. In Extremadura recently got a family to withdraw from the classroom two crucifixes, but surely some Muslim women who attend this school take their hijab negligible.
They can flaunt their culture and of their religion, but we have to bow before these despicable insilentes and Muslims.
All these contransentidos that threaten our own culture, tolerated and even applauded by politicians who call themselves left-wing PSOE and IU read and other political folklore overly permissive with immigrants, especially Muslims.
We are going crazy and we're walking on dangerous paths that do nothing to help the vaunted aAlianza of Civilizations and tolerance between cultures. These concepts are just idiotic and a way to hide the covardia of those who govern us, either from the English government, that is, since self-government especially the irresponsible leftists and traitors to our way of life.
Or Spain. the English, we squared up and cast their ministerial offices and the Moncloa all these people, or a few years this has operdido Spain to its north is a huge mental hospital.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Horoscope Birthday Compatibility

A Moor death threat José Anglada, head of the Platform for Catalonia

This weekend the leader of the party political platform Catalonia, José Anglada, was insulted and threatened with death by Moor of shit, one of many around us.
A video picked up the tense situation and can be heard as the Moor shit José threatens to tear Angled head. You can view and hear the video if you click on the title of this post. Do not miss it, and you realize how much moro wild lives among us, no matter who is in Catalonia, Canary Islands, Andalucia and Castilla or any other part of Spain. Supine ignorant
addition, these people bitten with the totalitarian and fascist religion think they are superior to other mortals, and seems to know or understand that we are increasingly the English who feel disgust towards them and their culture. I do not know, because the Catalan media do not report this, if Joe Anglin has filed a complaint against the Moro fanatic and fascist, because the laws provide penalties for such crimes.
The best we could do this rabble is leaving Spain for its own foot, since that would save us out of our country let ourselves. Neither
pig shit smell as bad as this Nazi Islamists.

Monday, November 1, 2010

How To Get Rid Of A Red Spot On Nose

The bloody murderous Islam Christians in Baghdad

Disgusting pigs Islamic murderers in the name of his equally disgusting and bloody religion have attacked a Christian church, Catholic here in Baghdad. Damn you criminals which you dedicate to offer your vampire god, Allah, the blood of innocents. More than 50 faithful who died in the hands of Islamic brutes who have offered another bloody sacrifice to their god-moon.
How can you demand that we respect negligible Islamists?. "As you can expect you to be well received and accepted in Europe and throughout the Western world?. Resultais highly despicable and do not you deserve nothing but the utmost contempt.
The smelly pig sty of Al-Qaeda and its followers murderers you deserve death just because you have serious contempt for yourselves a favor.
Islam wants to destroy the entire Western world, and that you are not going to allow course. There will come a day, not far away, that the Europeans will have to reissue the Reconquista and I'll take them all head out to sea. Murderers.